Welcome to Afro Hair Boutique, the wonderful world of hair! We are proud to say we are probably Europe’s number one source for all your hair extension needs
- 72 Hair
- A3
- Aapri
- Abercrombie And Fitch
- Activilong
- Adidas
- Adorable
- Advance Beauty Care
- Afara
- African Formula
- African Pride
- Africas Best
- Afro Ashri
- Afro Sheen
- Aftress
- Agadir
- Agor
- AHU Care
- Alberto Balsam
- Alcolado Glacial
- Alfa Parf
- Alfaparf Milano
- Alikay Naturals
- Aliza Professional
- Aloe Dent
- Aloe Pura
- Aloeclear
- Ameliorate
- American Crew
- American Dream
- American Silky Straight
- Amirose
- Amplex
- Ampro
- Andalou Naturals
- Andis
- Andre Walker
- Andrew Easterday
- Angel En Provence
- Anise
- Annie
- Aphogee
- Aphrodite
- Apraise
- Aquarius Cosmetics
- Ardell
- Argan Deluxe
- Argan Oil
- Arganics
- Arko Men
- Arlos
- Arula Beauty
- As I Am
- Asepso
- Astral
- Attitude
- Aunt Jackie
- Auntie Lizzy
- Aussie
- Australian Bush Flower Essences
- Australian Tea Tree
- Aveeno
- Avlon
- Ayumi
- Ayumi Naturals
- Baby Jelly
- BaByliss
- Badedas
- Balibody
- Balmy Naturel
- Bangstyle
- Barber Pro
- Barber Shop Aid
- Barbicide
- Batiste
- Bblonde
- Bear Fruits
- Beard Culture
- Beard Guyz
- Beautiful Textures
- Beautopia
- Beauty Box
- Beauty Collection
- Beauty Elements
- beauty forever
- Beauty Formulas
- Beauty Pro
- Beauty Star
- Bee Mine Organics
- Bee Sales
- Bel Dam
- Bella Curls
- Bellapierre Cosmetics
- Bellissemo
- Benjamins
- Beshe
- Bigen
- Bigen Color
- Bio
- Bio Balance
- Bio Oil
- BioCare
- Biore
- Biotera
- Black Diamond
- Black Opal
- Blessed Men
- Blistex
- Bobbi Boss
- Bonfi Natural
- Botanika Beauty
- Bounce Curl
- Bourjois
- Bragg
- Braid Masters
- British Hair
- Brittny
- Bronner Bros
- Bronnley England
- Brut
- Brylcreem
- Bump Free
- Bump Patrol
- Bump Stopper
- burberry
- Bybi
- Calvin Klein
- Camille Rose
- Camille Rose Naturals
- Cantu
- Canvas Beauty
- Capillus
- Carex
- Carma Laboratories
- Carols Daughter
- Casablanca Magic
- Celeb Luxury
- Cerruti
- Chear
- Cherish
- Childs Farm
- Chill
- Clairissime
- Clairol
- Clear Essence
- Clearasil
- Clere
- Clinique
- Clipp Aid
- Clynol
- Coco Conscious Collective
- Cococare
- Colgate Palmolive
- Color Rebel
- Color Sport
- Color Wow
- Colour Culture
- Colour Vibe
- ComAir
- Comby
- Corioliss
- Cosmetic Wholesale
- Cotton tree
- Cover Your Gray
- Crabtree And Evelyn
- Creations
- creative image
- Creightons
- creme of nature
- Culmak
- Curalene
- Curls
- Curls Blueberry Bliss
- Curls Dynasty
- curlsmith
- Cutastem Baby
- Cuticura
- Cynos
- Dabur
- Daggett And Ramsdell
- Daily Concepts
- Dapper And Diva
- Dart Professional
- David Beckham
- davidoff
- Davines
- Decleor Paris
- Delia Cosmetics
- Denim
- Denman
- Depileve
- Derma V10
- Design Essentials
- Designer Fragrances
- Dessata
- Dettol
- Deva Curl
- Dexe
- DH7
- Diana
- Diane
- Diapason Cosmetics Milano
- Diesel
- Difeel
- dignity deluxe
- Dippity Do
- Directions
- Dirty Works
- Divaderme Cosmetics
- DMI Professional Products
- Dominican Magic
- Doo Gro
- Double Sheen
- Dove
- Dr Fresh
- Dr Kurt Wolff
- Dr Miracles
- Dr Organic
- Dr Salts
- Dr Sante
- Dr. Jacobs
- Dr. Miracles
- Dream
- E45
- Earth Supplied
- Easy Pouss
- Eazicare
- Ebe
- EBIN New York
- Eco Style
- Ecoco
- Ecru New York
- Eden
- Eden Accessories
- Eden BodyWorks
- Edward Jacob Accessories
- El Patron
- ElastaQP
- Elegant Touch
- Elentee Vitale
- Elliot Irving
- Elysee Brand
- Elysee Star
- Elysium Spa
- Embelleze
- Enliven
- Eprouvage
- Erasmic
- Escenti
- Eslabondexx
- Essie
- eternal beauty
- Eucerin
- Eveline
- Ever Ready
- Evoluderm
- Express White
- eyecasions
- Fab Hair
- Face Facts
- Fade Out
- fair and white
- Fair Lady
- Fairtrade International
- Faith In Nature
- Faiza Beauty
- Famous Me
- fanola
- Fantasia
- Farouk Systems
- Fave4
- Feel Free Bio Skincare
- Fem Fresh
- Feme
- Fiftys Beauty
- Finders
- Fine LinesUK
- Finesse
- Firstlady
- FirstLine Manufacturing
- Flo
- Flora And Curl
- Forever Living
- Framesi
- Frano Couture
- Free Your Mane
- Freeman Beauty
- Fudge
- Gabri Professional
- Galderma
- Garnier
- Gary Sunderland
- General Purpose
- Gillette
- Giovanni
- Glysolid
- Go Posh
- GO247
- Godrej
- Gold 22
- Gold Collagen
- Golden supreme
- Goldwell
- Gossip
- Grace Cole
- Graham Beauty
- Grahams Natural
- Great Lengths
- Gro Secrets
- Groganics
- Groomed
- GS Hair Beauty
- Gummy
- Hair Chemist
- Hair Ecstasy
- Hair Food
- Hair Wonder
- Hair Xpress
- Hairaisers
- Hairtex
- Happy Naturals
- Harba
- Harmony
- Hask
- Hawaiian Silky
- Hawkins And Brimble
- haz beauty
- Head And Shoulders
- Health Aid
- Health And Beauty Aztec Secret
- Hemirus
- Herbal Essences
- Herbatint
- Hesh Herbal
- High Beams
- Himalaya
- Hit The Spot
- Hive
- Hollywood Beauty
- Honey Baby Naturals
- Hot Lips
- Hot Tools Professional
- House Of 4711
- HT26
- Hugo Boss
- Hungry Hair
- Hungry Skin
- I Gel
- Ican London
- Identity Salon Supplies
- III Sisters Of Nature
- Iman Cosmetics
- Imbue
- Imperial Dax
- Imperial Leather
- Impression
- Impulse
- Indie Hair
- Indola Exclusively Professional
- inecto
- Insight Professional
- Intragen
- Invogue
- Irie Rock
- Issey Miyake
- Its A 10 Haircare
- Its A Wig
- J. Strickland Africa
- Jabu Stone
- Jack Dean
- JAdore Hair
- Jamaican Mango And Lime
- Jamaican Roots
- Jane Carter Solution
- Janet Collection
- Jason
- Jazzy
- JBS Hair
- Jessicurl
- Joe Grooming
- John Frieda
- Johnson And Johnson
- Johnson Products
- Joico
- Jolen
- Joop
- Julienne
- June Milnrow
- Just For Me
- Just For Men
- Kali
- kaniz
- Karens Body Beautiful
- Kashmir
- Kativa
- Kenra
- Kent
- Keracare
- Kerafill
- Keratherapy
- Keratin Complex
- Keratin De Luxe
- Keri
- KeyStone Labs
- Khs
- Kiko Milano
- Kind Natured
- Kingsley House Skincare
- Kinky Curly
- Kiss
- Kiss New York Professional
- Kiss Products
- Kneipp
- Koee
- Koils By Nature
- Kokou
- kuza
- Kynx
- Kyoku
- La Bella
- LA Girl
- La Riche
- LA Trend
- Lab Supernova
- Labayk
- Label M
- Landoll
- Lansilk
- Le Garcon
- Leisure Curl
- Lets Dred
- Linco Care
- Lisap Milano
- Loreal
- Loreal Paris
- Lottabody
- Love Bar
- Lumin
- Lusters Products
- Lusti Products
- LustraSilk
- Lynx
- M And M Headgear
- Ma Browns
- Macadamia
- Maghrabian
- Makari
- Makazo
- Makebelieve
- Malibu
- Mama Africa
- Mamado
- Mane Concept Hair
- Mane N Tail
- Manic Panic
- Mashup Haircare
- Master Wellcomb
- Matrix
- Maui Moisture
- Maurer And Wirtz
- Mavive
- Max Factor
- Max Fair Skinscience
- Maxi White S1
- Maybelline
- Mayfair
- Mazuri
- Me Gorgeous
- Mekako
- Menski
- Mera Gold
- Messiah And Eve
- MI Salon Series
- Mielle
- Mielle Organics
- Millionaire Beverly Hills
- Minetan
- Miracle 9
- Miss Sporty
- Mitchell
- Mixa
- Mixed Chicks
- Mixed Roots
- Mixed Roots Compounds
- Mizz Brazil
- Moco De Gorila
- Model Model
- Moisture Love
- Molly And Rose
- Montagne Jeunesse
- Morfose
- Morgans
- Motions
- Motown Tress
- Murad
- Murrays
- Murry Collection
- My Bubble
- My DNA Curls
- My Little Pony
- Nads
- Nail HQ
- Nailease
- Nair
- Naobay
- Nappy styles
- Natura Siberica
- Natural Classic
- Natural Xtracts
- Nature Spell
- Nazila
- New Life
- New York 77
- Next Image
- Niharti
- Nisim
- Nivea
- Norvell
- Not Your Mothers
- Novaclear
- Novex
- Nuage
- nulon
- Nuxe
- Nyxon
- OBIA Naturals
- Ofori
- Oh My Sexy Hair
- Oilatum
- Ojojoo
- Okay
- Olay
- Old Spice
- Olive Babies
- Olive Moisture
- Optima
- Options Essence
- Organic Hair Energizer
- Organic Root Stimulator
- Oright
- Original Source
- Orofluido
- Osmo
- Ossat Naturals
- Ouidad
- Outre
- Pacinos Signature Line
- Paks
- Palmers
- Palmolive
- Paltas BKC
- Pantene
- Parachute
- Parnevu
- Pashana
- Paul Mitchell
- PCC Brands
- Pendeza
- Perfect Results
- Phillips
- Phytospecific
- Pixi
- Pretty Be
- Pro Line
- ProCare
- Profectiv
- Professional Products Unlimited
- Professional Touch
- Progena
- ProTip
- Provoke
- Pure Paw Paw
- Purederm
- Pureology
- QEI Plus
- Queen Helene
- Quest
- Quif
- Radiant Glow
- Radox
- Razac
- Real Raw
- Real Shaving Company
- Real Techniques
- Red By Kiss
- Red One
- Redken
- Ren
- Renbow
- Revlon
- Revlon Realistic
- Revuele
- Rich
- Rico Skin Care
- Rigel
- Rimmel
- Rizos Curls
- RK By Kiss
- Ro.ial
- rodial
- Root Perfect
- Roots
- Roxanna
- Royal
- Rubee Rinju
- Rush
- Safah Natural
- Sahara Single Bible
- Sally Hansen
- Salon System
- Sanex
- schwarzkopf
- Scruples
- Seba Med
- Sebastian
- Selective Professional
- Sensationnel
- Senscience
- Sensitive By Nature
- Sensual Collection
- Serenity
- Sexyhair
- Shake N Go
- Shea Moisture
- Sibel
- Silicon Mix
- Simple
- Simple Health And Beauty
- Siparco Si
- Skin Guard
- Skin Nouveau
- Skin Tight
- Sknhead London
- sleek
- Sleek Make Up
- Smart Collection
- Smooth Organics
- Snowfire
- So Unique
- Sof N Free
- Soft And Beautiful
- Soft And Precious
- SoftSheen Carson
- Sogecom
- Spartan Brands
- Splashes And Spills
- St Ives
- St Moriz
- Sta Sof Fro
- Star Beauty
- Strictly Professional
- Stylin
- Sugar Coated
- Sukin
- Sunny Isle
- Super Facialist
- Sure
- Sure White
- Swiss Arabian Fragrances
- T Zone
- T444Z
- Tailored Beauty
- Taliah Waajid
- Tangle Teezer
- The Big Brush
- The Body Shop
- The Doux
- The Goat Skincare
- The Hair Experts
- The Mane Choice
- The Roots Naturelle
- The Scottish Fine Soaps
- The Shea Cocoa Project
- Three Pears
- Tigi
- Titan Donna
- Titania
- Top Hair Fashion
- Top Op
- Topiclear
- Total White
- Totex Cosmetic
- Trendy Hair
- TRESemme
- Truzone
- Twisted Sista
- Universal Beauty
- Uppercut Deluxe
- Urban
- Urban Hydration
- Urban Veda
- Valley Of The Sun
- Vanessa
- Vaseline
- Veet
- Victorias Secret
- Victorus
- Vigorol
- Vines Beauty
- Vines Biocrin
- Vines Vintage
- Virgin Beauty
- Visible Solution
- Vital Makeup
- Vitale
- Vitalfarco
- Vivica Fox
- VO5
- Vosene
- Wahl
- Walker tape
- Wella
- West Indian
- Wet Brush
- Wild Growth
- Wilkinson Sword
- William Marvy
- Wisdom
- Wonder Gro
- Wooden Spoon
- Woods Of Windsor
- X Pression
- X White
- Xpel Marketing
- Yankee Candle
- Yardley
- Yari Naturals
- Yodeyma
- Zoflora
- Zuri Eyelashes